Friday, March 20, 2009

Boat Tugging

Today I taught my second part of Lab C. Things went great, I couldn't of been happier. Even though I had a difficult part of the lesson to teach I feel I handled the class well. After a few instructions I had the class get right into the activity. Last time I didn't have the scooters ready for the students but this time I had everything set up for them right at their finger tips. I did a better job of keeping my back to the class and keeping all the students in my sight. I realize how important it is to be able to see everything that is going on in case a problem errupts I will be able to see everything that happens. This is good because if there is a series problem or injury I could be liable because I wasn't doing my job of supervising the class. I felt very comfortable the whole time and was very clear with what I expected of the students. I'm being loud and firm with my voice and that is a very important part of being a teacher. Positive feedback is very important in any classroom. It's amazing seeing how excited students get when you give them a compliment, after that you see them putting in more effort and happy to be in the class. Watch me in action.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Scootin' Round The Gym

After completing my first attempt at Lab C I feel that I improved a lot from Lab B. I was more confident and felt at ease in front of the students. I was clear and direct with my instructions and cues which made the lesson go smoothly. Even though I still used some fillers, more practice will help me to eliminate this problem. I was happy to see that the students really enjoyed the instant activity. Since the students enjoyed the instant activity they were excited and anxious to see what I had in store for them during the lesson. I'm looking forward to my next attempt at Lab C because their are a few things I want to touch up on.